I Need You for now2:19 AM
Sunday, February 9, 2014
I want to have a bad day and give into my emotions.
I want you to be there for me when everything becomes too heavy.
I want to be able to drop the load I’m carrying for a few moments.
I want to know that when I can’t carry it all, you’re the one person who remembers that I am fragile.
Just for a few moments, I don’t want to be strong.
Can you give me that?
It’s not so much that I’m trusting you not to hurt me.
I’m trusting myself to survive if you do.
It’s not so much that I’m trusting life to work out.
I’m trusting myself to live.
It’s not so much that I’m trusting you to be worth the risk.
I’m trusting myself and my instincts.
It’s not a blind leap.
It’s a thoughtful decision.